Beards and Moustache

Status of a Beard


  1. Is it sunnat, waajib or fardh to keep a beard?
  2. When I keep a beard it only troubles me. I keep scratching, rubbing (even in salaah), and applying lotion. Is it permissible for me to shave?

Beard, Miswaak & Turban


  1. Did Nabi (Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam) ever trim His Blessed beard?
  2. If not, how is a fist lenght beard an emphasized Sunnah?
  3. Which is more rewarding; a trimmed fistful beard or a completely untrimmed natural beard?
  4. On what basis is it sinful to trim (not shave) the beard less than a fist length (and not resembling the non-believers)?
  5. Is there any Narration that directly prohibits trimming (not shaving) the beard less than a fist length?
  6. Is Miswaak, wearing a turban on the same level as Sunnah, higher or lower, in comparison to having a fist length beard?
  7. Is a person sinful if he does not use a Miswaak or wear a turban?

Neatening the beard

Q: Is it allowed in Islam for a male to neaten the beard (NOT CUT) while it is still growing to a fist length (Not yet a fist length) as I am still in my teens and my beard has become extremely wild which is not exactly 'in my opinion' what Islam teaches. To me Islam teaches dignity in portraying ourselves to promote Islam rather than be seen as primitive and uncouth. 

Trimming the Beard

Q: Is there any authentic narration which directly and emphatically mentions that trimming the beard is a punishable sin? How is sin and good determined in Islam? Is it Haraam or Makrooh to trim the beard? Did Nabi (Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam) ever trim His Blessed beard? If not, how is a fist lenght beard is an emphasised Sunnah? Which is more rewarding a trimmed fistful beard or a completely untrimmed natural beard? What is the ruling if one trims before it reaches a fist lenght? On what basis does a person continue to be sinful if he trims his beard before it is a fistful while trimmimg after a fistful is not sinful?

Keeping a Beard

Q: With regards to keeping a beard. It is Waajib? Does this ruling only apply to the Hanafi madhab? I have a family member who follows Imam Shafi'ee and he would like to know the ruling.