
Push present

Q: I wanted to know about "push present" which is a gift from a husband to his wife for her giving birth of the child. It is usually called "push present" because the wife pushes the baby out. Is a push present allowed in Islam? The wife usually expects a gift from the husband because she has suffered nine months and labour as well. Is it ok for her to seek a gift from her husband?

Refusing to accept a gift

Q: All my needs are being fulfilled Alhamdulillah. My brother's wife used to pay me pocket money every month. I used to take it. Then I was suffering from many things of her. She hurt my mother and many more things. We all forgive her. I forgive her but now I don't want to take money from her. Am I refusing to accept the risk from Allah?

Non-Muslim workers


1. If non-Muslim women servants on their 25 December event ask their Muslim owners to give them holiday? What should the owner do?

2. If they ask to give them rupees ,milk etc for that event because they work there and can ask there for their requirements. What should the owner do in this case?

3. If the owner calls these servants using words like ; O my daughter etc for the sake of good behavior and for the sake of greed (so that they do not Leave this place for working and not do not go another place for work). Is there any permission in Islam to call non Muslim servants with these words? As people of more age are called with respect by other people of less age.

4. Can non Muslim servants be also treated with respect?

5. Can non Muslims wash the clothes and pots of Muslims? And clothes ( they wash clothes at that method that we told them on which clothes become paak) and pots become paak after being Washed by non Muslims?

Giving gifts to one's wife

Q: I have been getting myself closer in following the Sunnahs of our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and trying to become a better Muslim and my wife stood by me and supported me she even ties my turban for me. I am 26 years old and the question that I have is as follows, what gifts did Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) gift to his wives to increase or show love? I can get her anything but I would like to know what did our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) give so I can emulate this behaviour as well?

Bachcho ke darmiyaan hadya me baraabari karna

س: ایک شخص کے 3 بیٹے ھیں اس کے پاس ایک مکان ہے اس نے بڑے بیٹے کو 50000 دینے کے بعد کہا کے تمہارے معاشی حالات چھوٹے بیٹون کی نسبت کافی بہتر ہیں لہٰذا مکان چھوٹے بیٹوں کے نام ہے بڑےبیٹے نے کہا ٹھیک ہے میں چھوٹے بھائیوں سے مکان کے حصّے کے لئے کوئی مطالبہ نہیں کروں گا باپ نے مکان چھوٹے بیٹوں کے نام را جسٹر کر دیا جب بڑے بیٹے کو معلوم ہوا تو اس نے اور کئی لوگوں نے کہا کے باپ نے بہت غلط کیا مکان میں بڑے بیٹے کا حق اسکو نہں دیا کیا بڑے بیٹے اور لوگوں نے درست کہا ؟؟؟ کیا باپ نے غیر اسلامی کام کر کے بڑے بیٹے پر ظلم کیا ؟؟؟ باپ کی وفات کے بعد بڑے بیٹے اور لوگوں کا باپ کے بارے میں ایسی باتیں کرنا کیسا ؟

Taking back a gift

Q: I am a bit confused in regards to a matter, the issue is upon the death of my mum, my aunt asked for her Islamic clothes as a memoir but I gave it to her so that when my aunt wears my mum's clothes and prays in it, Isaal-e-Sawaab might go to my mum but it's unfortunate that I have never seen my aunt not once pray in those clothes. My wish was to take my mum to hajj but since she is no longer with me I wish to ask those clothes back from my aunt and wear it when I perform hajj. Now I know taking back gift is not a great idea but if I wear the clothes of my mum it will feel like she is with me when I am performing hajj. Can you please advise me if I should ask back the clothes which I bought for my mum and gave it to my aunt, in return I will buy her brand new clothes?