Types of Treatment

Switching off the breathing machine

Q: My grandfather is currently laying in hospital. He needs to use the breathing machine just to keep him alive. The doctor told us that we need to make the choice to keep the breathing machine on him or remove it but he is dead without the breathing machine. He can't move or talk or anything anymore.

Will it be better to remove the breathing machine or should it be kept on him, possibly leading to more suffering? 

The Islamic belief regarding sicknesses and contagious diseases


1. What is the correct Islamic belief regarding sicknesses, diseases, epidemics, etc.?  Are they contagious or not?

2. Please provide a detailed explanation of the following two Ahaadith narrated in regard to sicknesses,  لا عدوى ولا طيرة  - (there are no contagious sicknesses nor any bad omens) and فر من المجذوم كما تفر من الاسد-  (flee from a leper as you will flee from a lion).

It apparently seems as though the meanings of both these Ahaadith contradict each other.  What is the correct understanding and reconciliation of both these Ahaadith?

3. At the time of an epidemic, what is the Islamic teaching in dealing with people who are afflicted?

4. During the time of an epidemic, did the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum) who were not afflicted attend the Musjid for salaah?


Q: I have a question regarding if something is haram and shirk. There's this thing called subliminals and they’re essentially these affirmations that reach your subconscious to help change some things or help improve yourself. For example, get longer eyelashes or improve your memory. Is it shirk? Also, some don’t have music playing, usually rain drops or silence.

Exercise to treat premature ejaculation

Q: I wanted to know if it was permissible to do some penis exercises with vacuum cupping therapy (dry cupping) with olive oil which helps solve premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

I am unmarried and afraid that because of my teenage mistakes it will hamper my future martial life. I gave up all the wrongs which I did in my past and I do all my Islamic responsibillities. Will it be permissible for me to do the excercise on my own because I am unmarried. The exercise is to train the muscle related to that area for treatment purpose only.