Hairstyles, Haircuts & Hair Treatments

Hairstyles for Muslim women

Q: I have a question regarding hairstyles of women.

1. What hairstyles does the shariah command us to make and what type of hairstyles to abstain from?

2. Is it compulsory for women to style their hair in such a way that the hair falls through the sides and the mid line of the scalp is seen?

3. Is their any punishment for not keeping the mid line of the front scalp shown?

Wearing a wig

Q: My husband lost all his hair to the point where he is bald. His not even 30 yet. However he wants to use a weave on his own head so it looks like he has hair. As far as I'm aware it's not allowed in Islam as it uses glue and wig. However my husband seems to think it is allowed. Could you please clarify.

Women cutting their hair

Q: What is the evidence that women cannot cut their hair? I have searched online for evidence but have not across anything clear. Can a women trim their hair that is below the buttocks (such that it remains still below the buttocks and does not resemble men)?

Two length haircuts

Q: I am a follower of the Hanafi madhab and have great respect for the Hanafi ulema of the sub continent and accept that the answers they give to their question are based only on shariah and there are no ulterior motives, however, I could not come to terms with the answer to the question regarding haircuts.

I understand that scholars give certain answers knowing the intent of the questioner to follow their desires, and they give their answers in such a way that people do not abuse the answer given. However, with regards to the answer on haircuts, the answer mentions that the hair should be kept all one length, however, we are all aware that the prophet and the companions kept long hair up to the earlobes, shoulders and in between and simple reasoning tells me that the hair from the front of the head hanging down to behind the head down to the shoulder would be twice if not three times as long as the hair at the back of the head, therefore, I cannot see a problem with a haircut that is number 5 blade on top and number 4 blade on the side, the difference would not even be noticeable by an onlooker. I am aware of qaza, however, from what I have read this is the complete shaving of hair on some parts and leaving other parts, therefore, can you tell me wether doing a haircut of something along the lines of number 5 on top and number 4 on the sides is haraam or not?