

Q: A shahid that died before puberty walks straight to jannat, so then how does that person intercede for the allowed 70 people to be interceded on their behalf?

Eating and drinking Haraam


  1. Is there a hadith which says a person who eats or drinks haram, his dua and salah is not accepted for 40 days?
  2. After eating haram, if the person repents straight away will his dua and salah be accepted or it will still not be accepted until after 40 days?

Hadith Question

Q: I had a question regarding one narration. Did the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) say that we should wear clothes like the people of the time? Like dress like them? If yes then what does this hadith mean?


Q: My question is about the six kalimahs in Islam. Please tell me the importance of the six kalimahs and where are they written?

Evil eye

Q: Can you please explain the following hadith in detail:

أخرج مسلم وأحمد والترمذي وصححه عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : " العين حق ولو كان شيء سابق القدر لسبقته العين ، وإذا استغسلتم فاغسلوا " 
صححه الألباني في السلسلة الصحيحة.

Hadith Question

Q: Narrated by 'Abdullah bin Mas'ood (Radiyallahu Anhu) on the authority of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) (On the Day of Judgement) a man will come holding the hand of another man and say: O Lord! It is he who killed me. Allah will say: Why did you kill him? He will say: I killed him so that glory may be established for you. Allah will say: Indeed it. Then another will come taking hold of another fellow's hand and say: It is he who killed me. Allah will ask him: Why did you kill him? He will say: I killed him so that glory may be established for so-and-so person. Allah will say: Indeed glory is not his. (So the killer will bear the sin). 

Please explain!