
Explanation of a Hadith regarding dreams

Q: What is the explanation of this Hadith“A dream is hanging on the leg of a bird, as soon as it is interpreted it happens as it was interpreted"? I have read about the meaning of this Hadith, they said if the dream is interpreted by an experienced scholar, it will happen. My question is in the word "as it is interpreted" (in the Hadith), if the experienced scholar or somebody who knows interpretation of dreams interprets his dream, will the dream happens as it was interpreted (as narrated in the Hadith)?

Who does Amir and Ulul Amr refer to

Q: I would like to know who does amir and ulul amr refer to in Quran and Ahaadith? Does it refer to amirul mumineen? If yes, then in our time upon whom will the title amir fit? Or can it refer to the principal of a madrasah, the teacher of a class, the sheikh of a khanqah, the leader of a tabligh jamaat, the leader of a jihad campaign etc.?

The appearance of Dajjaal and shortage of food

Q: I have a question regarding the appearance of the dajjal and shortage of food. In one report it says before his arrival, there will be shortage of food and drinks for 3 years (musnad ahmed).

However, in another hadith it says under the Mahdi, there shall be abundance of food to such an extent a man will say "mahdi, give me" and he shall reply "take it".

Now my confusion is that the dajjal is to emerge during the mahdi's time, so how to reconcile the two situations?

Last Hadith of Bukhari Shareef

Q: A person asked the question, in the final hadeeth of bukhaari it says "kalimataani habeebataani...", so he wants to know if there's any special reason and purpose why "two words" was mentioned, and not 1 or 3+ words? I was unable to give an answer, can Mufti shed some light on it?

Sacrificing something for the sake of Allah Ta'ala

Q: The Hadith says that when you leave something for the sake of Allah then Allah will reward you with something better.

Question 1: Does this mean that if one leaves something e.g. sacrifices his home comfort etc. to go to the musjid or in the path of Allah etc., then as a reward, one will get better then what one has left behind?

Question 2: Does it refer to the case where one leaves something haraam e.g. a sinful deed or haraam food then in reward, one will get better than what one has sacrificed?

Question 3: What is the correct explanation of this Hadith? 

Responding to the call of Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) even if one was engaged in Salaah

Q: A family member recently heard a lecture in which the speaker made a comment that if you do not think of nabi salaalaahu alaihi wa sallam in your namaaz, your namaaz is invalid. The speaker furhter presented a hadith as his proof in which he only mentioned that a sahaabi was performing namaaz when Nabi (Alaihis Salaam) called him and he failed to reply.

Is there any such hadeeth, if yes, what is the complete hadith with the explanation?