
Closing the doors and covering food at night

Q: I have a question about sunan actions to do in the evening. I know it is recommended to close the doors saying Bismillah, cover the food and drinks, turn off the fire for example in the stove or in the fireplace, when it falls in the evening.

But I have a practical doubt: doors should be closed BEFORE or AFTER the Maghrib time? And the food and the drinks should be closed BEFORE or AFTER the Maghrib time?

I ask this because on some sites I read conflicting versions, some say before, others later, others still say to do these actions after a portion of the night has passed. Maybe all these versions are right, but I do not know. Please clarify.

Who is the best person?

Q: There are many ahadith that speak about the person who is the best of Muslims. Can we summarize all of those ahadith and say that the best Muslim is the one who has the best character? Also who is this the best person according to the Quran?

Hadith on maintaining family ties

Q: It is reported in Sahih Muslim #2556 that "The severer would not enter Paradise". Ibn Umar said that Sufyan (explained it as): "One who severs the tie of kinship would not enter Paradise"

I would like to know 2 things from the above hadith:

1. Does the above hadith talk about blood relationship like your parents, siblings or does it include your relatives like cousins, uncles, etc.

2. Does the above mean a person will never enter paradise if he severs the tie of kinship?

Meaning of "Allah is above the clouds"

Q: I read this Hadith:

“O Allaah’s Messenger! Where was our Lord before He created the heavens and earth?” He (salallaahu `alaihi wasallam) responded: “He was above the [white] clouds – no air was under him, no air was above him, and He created His Throne upon the water.”

Is it correct that we don’t have to take the first part (He was above the (white) clouds) literally because attributing a direction to Allah is kufr?

Will the Haafiz who does not practice on Islam be allowed to intercede?

Q: I have heard in a Pakistani Islamic show that not all hafiz e Quran will be rewarded with the power of bakhshish of 10 people in their family, only those who live their life according to Islam after hifz. Those huffaz who do wrong things will be equally asked like other people and they will not have power of bakhsish of 10 people. Is this correct?

Correct translation of a Hadith regarding stray thoughts

Q: I wanted to know that if this Hadith talks about every kind of evil unwanted thoughts that come into mind and a person resists it or just related to religion?

Narrates Abdullah bin Abbas that, once, a person came to the Prophet and said, “Sometimes such wicked ideas come to my mind that I would prefer to be burnt down and reduced to charcoal than to give utterance to them.” The Prophet replied, “Praise be to Allah who turned back the matter towards thought sentiment.”

Eating seven ajwa in the morning

Q: I would like to act on the hadith on eating 7 'Ajwah dates in the morning for protection against magic and poison. Different qualities of Ajwah are however sold, the best quality being more than twice the price of the lowest quality (which are thin and dry). Would seven dates of any quality give the protection mentioned in the hadith? Or would I have to eat more than 7 of a cheap quality?