Dawat and Tabligh

Arranging a lift club for school rounds while one is out in jamaat

Q: I have received advice already about not allowing my wife to drive. I have been since fetching and dropping off kids from school myself. However at present I am away in jamaat and return in a few weeks. My wife is very afraid and protective to send our young kids with anyone or a lift club and her relationship with family is not such where she can inconvenience them to help as they are also busy. Is it allowed for her to fetch and drop off while I am away or am I supposed to leave jamaat and return home.

Also is it ok for me to be in jamaat while she is alone?

Mastooraat jamaat

Q: Recently I have noticed that there is an increase in women jamaats (masturaat) coming in our area. Please advise as my wife who attends the weekly taleems has been asked to join the outbound masturaat jamaat with her nephew who is in jamaat being her mahram. Please advise and give your opinion as my personal view is that it is not necessary for females to be out.

Mastooraat Jamaat

Q: I spent four months in tableeghi jamath and I am attached with this jamaat. I have some questions regarding masturath (ladies). Can I go in jamaat with my wife, sister, mother? Is it acceptable in shariah or should I only spend time in jamaat?

Obeying the ameer


1) If a person is in jamaat and the ameer tells him to do something that will cause him to miss Takbir-e-oola, should he obey?

2) If a person is in jamaat and the ameer tells him to do something like asking a Muslim lady they see walking if she knows where the Muslims gather for salaah.

Supporting Deen

Q: We hear the following in bayaans: "How will we answer on the day of qiyaamah when Allah Ta'ala will ask us that the deen was coming out of the lives of people and what did you do about it? We will be questioned about this " Is this type of statement or subject found in the hadith?

Da'wah to non-Muslims

Q: I don't know everything about Islam but it is my duty to forward the little knowledge about Islam that I have. So I want to ask how to give dawah to a non Muslim. Should we start with inviting them to Islam or start a conversation and invite them later on?