Dawat and Tabligh

Debating with someone who has incorrect beliefs


  1. I have one question. Mere neighbour hain he is Masha Allah a good person. But when it comes to religious beliefs he says that shias are muslims and we shuold not say anything about them thats fine. On further discussion he says that if we have any questions on masaail regarding to Islam, we shouldn't look for Aalims rather we should look for a solution ourselves by reading Qur'an and going through hadith books. Further on tableegh dawat isn't important for everyone and the book that tableegh people use thats ​Fazaail-e-A'maal has some weak Hadith. What should be said to him? Should I debate with him or not?
  2. Last week a jamaat came from Malaysia to my musjid here in New Delhi India. The people of jamaat came to meet him so he used to say jamaat people should go to people who are in real need like people should go in villages to people who are doing shirk following qabr parasti and all..
  3. We shouldn't blindly follow Ulama' as he thinks that every Aalim is not reliable.

Please answer my question. What should to be said and how should this situation be tackled?

Wearing purdah and going for Jamaat


  1. Is covering face fardh on women or just wearing burkha which covers the whole body except hands, feet and face suffice?
  2. Is going for jamaat for dawah purpose from one place to another correct in islam? Is it part of sunnah? And what about reading fazaele aamal book? I heard few scholars saying just to follow sahih hadith and not these books. Please clarify.

Going for Jamaat

Q: I am very much intersted in jamat and dawah work but recently i have heard scholars like Zakir Naik and few more saying that it is not in the seerah of Rasool of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) nether in any hadith or Quran to go for jamat from city to city or counrty to counrty or for the weekly dawah (gusht) to the house of people to invite towards islam and nowhere is it written to go for 3 days or 40 days or 4 months in jamat. They also said that in the books like fazail-e-amal there are many zaeef (unauthentic) hadith so we must read only authentic hadith like sahih muslim and bukhari. Is it true? So I wanted to know is the work of jamat just a mere invention in islam or it is sunnah and recommended. Please give me hadith which supports your answer.

Ladies talim

Q: Alhamdulillah we have ladies weekly talim in our area. The talim has been going on for approximately 15 years. Up until recent years there was no particular speaker who did the six points, some of the ladies took turns to do the six points. A few years ago a female who often goes out in jamaat moved into the area and she now does the six points every week. When I had talim at my home recently I called an Apa (the Apa is an Aalima) who conducts the talim in her area to be the speaker for that week. The lady who usually conducts our talim looked a little upset. Sometime before another resident wanted to call a prominent Apa to be the guest speaker however the lady who does our talim said that not just anybody may speak. I would like to call another Apa who conducts talim in various areas to be the guest speaker at my home. I do not want to offend our lady. Is her behaviour correct? What are the rules regarding who may do the six points?