
References for some Aahaadith relating to death, passing away in Makkah and Madinah, etc


  1. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said something to this effect: Be careful! Those who were before you, used to transform the graves of their prophets and pious people in places of worship, beware of transforming tombs as places of worship. I forbid you this. (Saheeh Muslim) Please give me the page number.
  2. The Surah tabarakallazi said to Allah Ta’ala: “Remove me from your book if you did not forgive him”. Is there any Hadith something to this effect from the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?
  3. Please mention those Ahaadith which show the virtue of dying in either Makkah or Madinah.
  4. There is a Hadith in Saheeh Bukhaari which mentions the Du’a of Umar (Radiyallahu Anhu) to die as a martyr in the town of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Please give me the page number.

Janaazah related Hadith questions


  1. It is reported that Abu Hurairah (RA) led the prayers of janazah of Aysha and Umme Salamah (RA) in the cemetery of Jannat ul Baqi' and Ibn Umar (RA) was also in the jama'ah. Please give me the reference.
  2. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) informs the sahabah of the shahadah of the 3 sahabah (warriors) in the battle of mutah, it is mentioned in Saheeh Bukhari. Please give me the page number.
  3. Mawlana zakariyyah (RA) brought a Hadith in the second page of kitabul jana-in in his Awjazul Masalik (second volume) about the six rights of a muslim to another muslim and one of them is when he passes away give him ghusl. Please give me the reference from the books of Hadith.

Wearing a turban

Q: In the Ahaadith what are the virtues mentioned with regards to wearing a turban? Was it a perpetual Sunnah of Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)? Will a person get seventy times more reward if he performs salaah with a turban?

Reciting منها خلقناكم when throwing sand in the grave

Q: Is there any authentic hadith from the books of hadith about: When throwing the first handful one should say, "Of this (i.e. the earth) We created you," and on the second one should say, "And to it shall We cause you to return," and on the third handful one should say, "And of it We shall cause you to be resurrected a second time. Please give me the references.

"There is no better man than Ali, and no sword better than Dhul-Faqaar"

Q: I need to know the status of this oft-quoted hadeeth: " There is no better man than `Ali, and no sword better than Dhul-Faqar"

“An angel called Radwan announced from the Heavens in (the Battle of) Badr ‘No sword other than Dhu Al-Faqar and no man better than `Ali.’”

Please provide references from traditional scholars in order to convince lay people.