
Signs of Qiyaamah

Q: Near the coast of Japan there has been an earthquake as you all know! Experts say that this will lead to a formation of new island. If you remember that prophet Mohammad PBUH had once quoted that DAJJAL is imprisoned on a island towards the west. Japan is the first land to receive sunlight and to see the dawn in the world. Before the coming of Imam Mehdi (A.S) it was quoted that the year before his arrival will face solar n lunar eclipse which has already occurred twice this year! There are more signs which can be seen around! Is the judgment day closer! Offering Salaah is one of the most necessary work in all our lives while straining away from all the wrong path! This is a wakeup call for all the Muslims! Let's unite and face the signs together and be happy to get rid of this slavery life of ours!!

Our prophet (SAW) told us that there would be 3 major earthquakes before Judgement day.  One in the east, one in the west, and one in Arabia. There has already been one in Japan ;(East)and one in Haiti;(West). It’s so very scary.  What have we done to deserve a place in Jannah?  -we watch TV, swear, talk back & give attitude to elders, we watch things that we are not supposed to watch, some don't even dress modestly. We listen to music & spend time learning the lyrics, but why not learn the Quraan? It's probably because we don't have enough Imaan (faith) in us. We need to get rid of bad habits and get onto the good ones.

Things of Jannah which were used in creating our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)


  1. I heard that Qadi Ayadh R.A has wrote in Muahib that Prophet Muhammad Sallal lahu alaihe wasallam was made from 8 things, the  soil of Madinah Sharif and 7 things from Jannah, could you please mention the 7 things of Jannah which was used in creating our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallal lahu alaihe wasallam?
  2. Was our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallal lahu alaihe wasallam made from the light of Allah Taala?

A rumour on BBM regrading Sayyidah Faatima (Radiyallahu Anha)

Q: Is the following true? Its going around on bbm. 

On the night of the wisaal of Sayida Fathima Zahra RA seated at her bedside was Hazrat Ali RA. She requested him to make a promise to fulfill two of her wishes,one was that whatever Imam Hasan and Imam Husain do he must not lift his hand on them and secondly she has a piece of paper kept which he must bury with her but he must not read what's in the paper. Hazrat Ali RA agreed to the first condition but refused on the second one until she told him what's written in it. Sayida Fathima Zahra said to him " when your propasal of marrige came I refused it at first,then Hazrat Jibraeel AS  descended and said to the Holy Prophet salalahu alayhiwslm that Allah is prepared to give jannat and all it wealth for this nikah to take place but I refused that as well then Allah said to the Holy Prophet Salalahu Alayhiwslm  ask her whatever she wants we prepared to give for this nikah to take place so I said to my father " I see you cry for your ummah the only thing I want is they be forgiven " Immedietly Hazrat Jibraeel AS descended with that piece of paper on which is written in letters of light  " Allah forgives the ummah in exchange for Sayida Fathima Zahra's rah nikah to Hazrat Ali RA  " so on the day of Qayamat when the ummah will be suffering I will present this piece of paper before Allah and say " For my nikah to be legal the mehr has been paid in exchange for the forgiveness of the ummah " ( Sayidina Bibi Fathima Zahra RA made wisaal on the 3rd of Ramadan Shereef. May Allah Always Be Pleased with Her. She is Truely Queen And Mother of Muslims. May we try to strive toward an inkling of her wisdom as we will never equal the maqaam of a grain of sand that has nisbat with a Mubarak grain of sand that had nisbat with her Mubarak feet of Janaat!