
Superstitious beliefs

Q: Is it correct to believe in things that people say like when washing a baby's clothes, one should not wring or twist it as it twists the baby's stomach or baby's should not share clothes as it might pass something on.


Q: My father commands that I fold one corner of my musalla after using it. He believes that Jinn will read Salaah on it and I will be harmed if I interrupt their Salaah. I have respectfully tried showing him that this is incorrect. However, he does not want to accept. He said he learnt this from his mother, hence it must be right. I do not want to show him the ruling that appears in Bahisti Zewar on the same; I fear that he may say something dangerous in a state on anger.

1. Is it necessary to follow his command in this matter?

2. If so, can I disobey it when he will not have any knowledge about it? Like if he is not around, for example.

Baseless beliefs

Q: Many people believe that Hazrat Khidhr (Alayhis Salaam) comes in the dream of every Muslim man once in his life and asks him if he needs  something. Then he makes duaa and there is great chance that what he will receive what he asked for. Is there any truth in this?


Q: Some people regard finding lice in the hair as a bad omen and the blinking of the right eye as a sign of something bad going to happen? Is this correct?