
Baseless beliefs

Q: I am getting married in 2 months from now and I am told by my sister that the bride after rukhsati should be accompanied by an old lady from her side. This old lady will accompany the bride to the toilets as this prevents evil spirits attacking the bride. Could you please let me know if this is advisable in the light of Sunnah and Hadith?


Q: Is it wrong for a wife to go home on Tuesdays and Satardays as we know the jins are spread everywhere in these days so there is a fear of possessing jins?


Q: We heard that Jinns do ibadat in masjid at night so don't go to masjid at mid night or a jinn possess you and many people were killed by jinns. Is it forbidden for going masjid at night or is this a superstition?


Q: In India there is rodent which is like a rat. In Gujrati they call it cher. It walks on the sides of the room. I heard you shouldn't kill it because it brings blessings in the house. Is this true?


Q: I read in a kitaab that cobwebs breed poverty. I have since lost the kitaab in a fire at home and cannot remember the name of the kitaab. I want to know if this is true. Many friends and relatives of ours have cobwebs in their homes and businesses and don't remove them as per the story of our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).