Removing Facial and Body Hair

Threading one's eyebrows

Q: My husband really wants me to thread my eyebrows. Unless I thread/shape my eyebrows than I feel he may cheat or look at other women. Hence affect the marriage. I was told we shud obey our husbands except if he stops women from doing farz things for Allah. I am confused, in such cases am I allowed to thread/shape my eyebrows, otherwise I know the prophet curses the women who shapes her eyebrows. I don't know what to do.

Threading one's eyebrows

Q: I know that the Prophet curses a women who threads her eyebrows. But in Islam, nikah is taken very seriously and Allah hates divorce. Also a wife is supposed to obey her husband. I heard it is ibbadah, obeying your husband. My husband would like me to thread my eyebrows. Now I feel insecure, I feel he will look at other women because I keep refusing and he really wants me to thread. In such cases are we allowed to thread our eyebrows. My marriage is at stake.

Threading one's eyebrows

Q: My husband would like me to thread my eyebrows so that he finds me more attractive and makes our relationship stronger. It means a lot to him. But I am unsure if I am allowed. Although other people would see me, I would only be threading my eyebrows because he wants me to. Am I allowed or is it prohibited even if that is what he wants?

Removing hairs with fire

Q: I want to ask a question about cutting or shaving hairs from body. I have notice that in modern age every professional works with new techniques or formula. Last time i have seen a barber cutting hairs with fire and other one cutting with special jelly. Some locals told that this method is haram in Islam and it is proved by ayaat or hadith only metallic cutters allowed for men for shaving purpose from different parts of body. Kindly guide me on this topic.