Cosmetic Surgery

Woman revealing her satr for cosmetic surgery

Q: I need a fatwa regarding treating a female patient by a male doctor in a surgery.

Actually the procedure is cosmetic surgery for droopy eyelids and the male surgeon said that we will take skin from your inner thighs. So I want to ask about the draping procedure and all the male staff along with female staff with male doctors are present.

Is it allowed to expose your body infront of men in the presence of females?

Under eye fillers for dark circles

Q: Is it permissible for me to get under eye fillers for my dark circles? The procedure involves getting hydroponic acid injected into your face to make genetic dark circles look less apparent not necessarily removed but lighter. I look older than I am and it is upsetting as my dark circles are quite apparent. A treatment like this would really help my skin.

Woman going for breast augmentation

Q: Does Islam allow a woman to do breast augmentation? I have been through a couple of articles on the internet which says you can, however it depends on your reason for wanting to increase the breast size.

My reason: I am really flat chested, my breasts never grew at all, not even after having two kids. I am married so I'm not doing this to beautify myself for other men, I just really feel uncomfortable and embarrassed and just want to increase my breast size a little so that it can look "normal".