Cosmetic Surgery

Doing plastic surgery to straighten the nose

Q: My daughter has a strange nose. It is very asymmetrical where one side is bigger, wider and a different shape. It does not bother her or cause her physical harm and she is unaware due to young age but I fear when she does realise this defect. I contemplate would she be able to do plastic surgery in order to correct this and if not, what actions should I take so that she does not feel insecure?

Gender change

Q: I want to clarify regarding sex change to female as I'm a non-muslim. I love a guy too much more than my life. For him I can do anything. Even I can sacrifice my whole life as well. He also likes me very much for the same, so I at last decided there is only one way. That is to change to female then become Muslim and marry him, settle my life as a happily living couple forever. So please I'm seeking your advice here. First of all, I'll change my sex than later I'll become a Muslim. Next I'll marry him and settle down to a happy life as we both understand each other very much. So you are the only hope for us, because we can do this in a direct way, but we would like to seek your advice on this.

Gynecomastia surgery

Q: I have been diagnosed with gynecomastia, an abnormal condition where a male develops breast tissue. It is a very noticeable condition that has caused me great psychological and mental pain. I am constantly worried about hiding this from people to prevent the embarrassment and jokes. I am not overweight and have been to the doctor for this diagnosis. What is the ruling on using surgery to correct this? I am a religious person who does his best to abide by the rules of Allah. Please advise. I can provide further info if needed.

Plastic surgery

Q: I want to know if the plastic surgery is jaaiz? After giving birth to three children, my breasts have lost shape. One breast is bigger than the other. I feel so ashamed to come in front of my husband that I can't remove my clothes in front of him. I'm going through a tough time. 

Changing one's gender

Q: I have a question. My brother who was before while he was a baby/born was a girl. After that s/he was being checked up at the age of 16-17 because s/he didn't have period like any normal girls. After they checked up they've found that his real gender is a MALE. So s/he decided to make an operation to be a MALE (his real gender).

Gender change treatment

Q: I am a transgender person. Is it permissible in Islam to seek treatment? The treatment would consist of taking hormones to transform my body form male to female in order to match my gender identity. If not could you please give any other advise as my life is getting difficult day by day.

Botox injections

Q: Is it permissible for a dentist to administer Botox injections and lip fillers to a patients face for cosmetic reasons or due to disfigurement as a result of missing teeth etc?

Non Muslim in the process of a gender change intends accepting Islam

Q: A non muslim person has made a firm intention to accept islam Alhamdulillah. The challenge is that this person has been undergoing a sex change to such an extent that all features are feminine including breasts and voice. The only procedure this person needs to undergo is the sex organ change.

  1. Should this person be advised to reverse the process or should this person be allowed to go ahead with the sex change. (If told not to there is a fear that he will turn away from Islam).
  2. Should the above be done after this person recites the shahadah or before?
  3. At this stage (before the sex organ change)is this person regarded as a male or a female  considering all apparent features are feminine?
  4. Who should be allowed to interact with this person a muslim male or a female?
  5. What other advice can mufti sahib give regarding this matter?

A detailed response on the above matters with shar'ee citations will be greatly appreciated.