Cosmetic Surgery

Changing one's gender

Q: Maybe I sound crazy but this is a very serious issue. I heard in Pakistan a girl became a boy naturally. This is strange, but I know Allah can do any thing. But my mind is stuck in that I don't want this with me. Is this sheaytaani waswasa? Please help me I never want to become like this. I am a girl and I am happy with that.

Gender change

Q: What does Islam say about transsexualism / transgenderism? Is gender identity disorder / gender dysphoria the result of sin? I can not act/live/ be a girl I tried so many times but I couldn't. if I go with the decision to change my gender will I be cursed by Allah? Is Undergoing gender changing operations haram?

Nose Job

Q: In Islam can u have a nose job? Like I have a roundish type of nose and I just want it pointy a little bit. And my left nostril is slightly more rounded than the right so I want to go fix it.