Clothing for Women

Women wearing men's clothing

Q: Would it be permissible for ladies to wear:

1. Sweatpants that are meant originally for men but if one is wearing it one would not be able to discern whether it is meant for a man or a woman?

2. Socks that are meant for men but are of the colours pink and light blue and if one is wearing it, it would look like womans socks.

Clothing guidelines for females


1. All the cloth material of my clothes are such that when sunlight passes through them, or if in the light of my room itself if I stand in certain angles, in correspondence to the light the cloth becomes little transparent, and I have seen many cloth materials like this, and I think they are all like that. Please advise me if I am checking in the wrong manner?

2. Should the cloth material be so thick that you should not be able to see anything through it if you take the material in your hands and see through it by placing it in front of your eyes?

3. I want to wear dreeses as per the sunnah way, please advise me in detail how should I make my dresses stiched (for females). Should I make my nape covered by stiching a collar?

Till where should the length of the shirt go (for wearing with shalwaar)?

Can there be slits? Can it be round at the bottom? Is it enough for it to be 2 inches loose from actual measurement? 

Women wearing fancy clothes

Q: What is your opinion on women wearing fancy clothes to weddings as has become the habit nowadays. I am referring to events where there is full segregation and one attends in niqab and jilbaab however thereafter remove when only women present.

Also, is there fazeelat for those who adopt simplicity? My sister is getting married and family members are asking me to wear a nice dress. I generally wear a loose jubba in the house, so on the wedding day, would it be more preferable to wear what I normally wear or please the family and wear something nice. I have heard fazeelat for that person who adopts simplicity when he is able to wear something of higher rank.

Women's clothing

Q: According to shariah, it is said that a woman should wear loose clothing. So, what type of dresses come under this title and what was the style of clothing worn by our Sahaabiyyas as I have heard that Ayesha radhiyallahu anha once liked a kurta which she later gave it in charity.

Men and women's clothing

Q: Why are women said to wear burkha but men aren't. And how should a Muslim man dress? And like if I like a sweat shirt am I allowed to wear because the sweat shirt(not body tight) can look good and still attract the opposite gender. So is that permissible in Islam, to wear nice clothing?

Is the abaya a compulsory dress?

Q: I have an elder sister and she is at the age of marriage. She got a proposal and the boy is good in all conditions but he wants his wife to wear abaya while my sister does not want to wear abaya. The boy's family said that abaya is necessary or else they will cancel the proposal. What should we do? Should we force our sister to wear abaya?