Clothing for Women

Women's clothing

Q: My father complained about this for so long that I would rather ask a person who knows these things. He always says that everything is haraam and wrong in our religion.

I wear hijab and long skirt everyday. My dad has complained to me for a long time about a couple of my friends using pants (their parents know that they wear them of course). It is such a big thing to my father and he always says I'm next. He complains about using even short socks and sometimes he is also violent about it.

I am now in a situation that every morning, evening, night he is waiting for me to start using pants. I’ve never thought in my life that I’d stop wearing hijab or skirt, because my friends don’t wear it but now he is basically 'helping' me to refuse to wear it. I know this is wrong what he is doing.

He also complaints about how tight my skirt is or my shirt is too tight to see my shape. I always feel uncomfortable in those situations because I feel that my father shouldn't look at his child in that way. My mom never talks to me like that. I feel like mothers should talk to their daughters about those things, not dads.

Can you please help me to understand if this whole situation is okay? What should I do? I can’t talk to him about this because he is abusive and he wants to be right every time. I know that I should not talk about my father like this but this is getting out of hand.

Woman wearing jeans and short shirts at home

Q: Can Muslim women wear jeans at home? I live with my parents. Whenever I go out I usually wear an abbaya but at home I usually wear jeans with sometimes short shirts. Is this also considered imitating men? I mean there is alot of difference in men's and women's shirts.

So is wearing these kind of shirts with jeans at home also haraam? Many women nowadays wear jeans so is this also considered imitating men?

Woman covering her head in the presence of other women

Q: On my wedding day I wore a maxi dress which was black in colour. I made up myself in a pleasant manner. But I didn't use a veil to cover my head or my chest. The important thing was no men was allowed to visit the place where I was. Only ladies entered the place. But my mother in law and sister in law made a big fuss on my wedding day saying that as a lady I cannot dress in that manner and they left the place without looking at our faces. The black colour of our maxi dress was a disgrace to them and they said that a bride cannot wear a maxi dress in black according to Islam. If we cover our awrah in a proper way without covering the head in front of only ladies, is it prohibited? Is it permissible to wear a maxi for one's wedding day in front of other ladies?

Wearing the latest style abaayas and niqaabs

Q: Im 24 years old. I cover my face with niqaab. That means I wear abaya and cover my face when I go out. I use a normal, usual and black face cover to cover my face which is in abaya shops. Usually I wear the latest design abayas but it does not fit and it doesn't show my body's shape but it's the trend. So I had an idea to change my face cover material that still covers my face fully. Is it permissible to wear a different kind of face cover or it musn't change. That means, the materials and the colours of face coverl, can they change? There are abayas in may kinds of materials, so like that can I use different material for face covers?