Lailatul Qadr

Laylatul Qadr

Q: If the night of laylatul Qadr has begun in some parts of the world but the night of laylatul hasn't occurred in other parts of the world, then does Angel Jibreel and other Angels visit only those parts of the world in which the night of qadr has begun and not the other parts of the world? Because Angel Jibreel comes down to visit earth on laylatul qadr. So when the night of laylatul qadr begins in those other parts of the world, does he come down to earth again to visit those places where it's happening?

Laylatul Qadr

Q: Some Ulama mention that layltul Qadr was experienced outside the last 10 nights of Ramadan. Is this proved by experience or Authentic narrations? If proven from Authentic narrations, Why is it only emphasized in the last ten nights of Ramadan? Is Laylatul Qadr on a specific night or it alternates every year? Is Laylatul Qadr specific to an individual or community on different nights or is it general for the entire mankind on that specific night?