Haraam Food & Drinks

Mince pies containing brandy

Q: I bought a pack of mince pies today, which unfortunately contain brandy; however not sure what percentage it contains. To the best of my knowledge, the rest of the ingredients are halaal. I bought the same pack once before, and noticed the ingredients mentioned brandy, but decided to throw them away as to be on the safe side. Now, not sure that was the appropriate action to have taken. I bought the same packet, this time round forgetting about the brandy issue associated with it! My question is; what should I do with this packet of 6 mince pies? Should I throw them away? Give them away? Eat them? How do I go about this problem brother? Thanking you for your time and efforts.

Eating snakes and killing chicken with one's teeth

Q: I have come across a video that is taken from a TV show in Pakistan showing pakistani army members eating snakes and killing chicken with their teeth and drinking its blood and not saying Allah's name while killing. They do all this while safe in their bases where they have all the halaal food available and the means to slaughter the animals is also available. But they are doing this as an exercise for survival if they are lost in a jungle or behind enemy lines. I want to have an Islamic point of view regarding this practice. Is it halaal or haram. Many Muslims who join the army are made to eat many haram animals during their training. Is this all justified by the "necessity" of training the troops?

Halaal and haraam meat

Q: I would like to know about meat or chicken for selling in non-muslim shops cooked or uncooked. Are Muslims allowed to buy that meat or chicken?  Can Muslims go to Mcdonalds in non-muslim countries? I heard that chicken can be halaal for Muslims living in western countries to eat in Mcdonalds and to buy in non muslim shops because chicken don't have a lot of blood compared to other animals. Is this true? How can I know which meat is halaal and which haraam while living in a western country? I am really confused about this matter and it makes it hard for me to chose the right food. Can you please explain this to me?

Bone broth

Q: I am researching the use of bone broth and I need to know if is permissible. It is a soup type of dish which is jelly in form after many hours of boiling and also a type of gelatin. If so, are all parts of the bones permissible for use, particularly bone marrow? (except the organs from which we are forbidden to use and eat). It is used for stomach lining healing.