Haraam Food & Drinks

Consuming haraam

Q: If a person were to consume haraam food eg. a chocolate without any doubt or without knowledge that it contains haraam, would a person's imaan be weakened? Similarly eating take aways.

Attending the da'wat of someone whose major income is from haraam

Q: My question is that some of my relatives live in UK where they work in different sections such as the sale and making of Alcohol. They send their
income to Pakistan. That money they use for their house hold usage. Now they are getting their daughter married and when we go to meet her, we are invited for dinner. The problem is that is their income is halaal and we can eat food or other things from their home or not? Is it halaal for us, because we know about their income is from haram sources. In uk it is halal but in Pakistan it is Haraam?

Sucking blood

Q: I wanted to inquire about the drinking of flowing blood being haraam! If a person checks his sugar, pokes bimself for the blood to be released and
thereafter sucks the remaining blood from his finger, is this constituted as haraam?


Q: Does Istihalah make najas things pure? Especially, when fat from pig is altered chemically and used in beauty creams?

Eating and drinking Haraam


  1. Is there a hadith which says a person who eats or drinks haram, his dua and salah is not accepted for 40 days?
  2. After eating haram, if the person repents straight away will his dua and salah be accepted or it will still not be accepted until after 40 days?