Allah Ta'ala

Can Allah Ta`ala talk to us?

Q: Can Allah talk to us directly?

What if someone is claiming that Allah is talking to them? They are also saying that the angels are explaining the tafseer while they are reading it. They also say that sometimes jinn talk to them and they can clearly distinguish who is talking to them. 

The attributes of Allah Ta'ala

Q: I read this somewhere:

Also, As-Suddi said, "When a man would come to the two angels they would advise him, `Do not fall into disbelief. We are a test.' When the man would ignore their advice, they would say, `Go to that pile of ashes and urinate on it.' When he would urinate on the ashes, a light, meaning the light of faith, would depart from him and would shine until it entered heaven. Then something black that appeared to be smoke would descend and enter his ears and the rest of his body, and this is Allah's anger. Isn’t Allah’s Anger His Attribute alone so how would it enter a human being?