Allah Ta'ala

Seeing Allah Ta'ala

Q: According to the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), the believers will see their Lord in the lifeafter as they can see the moon. Please can you clarify more on the word “grasp” (tudrikuhu) in the Quranic verse: { No vision can grasp Him, but His Grasp is over all vision. He is the Most Subtle and Courteous, Well Acquainted with all things.}[6:103].

Does it mean they cannot see Him entirely like for instance when looking at the blue sky we only see part of it? And what is the meaning of the Hadith in which it is described that we will see Allah as we can see the moon.

Imagining what Allah Ta'ala looks like

Q: I want to know when thinking of Allah and imagining He is watching me what do I picture in my head. Sometime's I start imagining how Allah looks and quickly think of something else because I think it's from shaytaan. Also when Allah says in the Quraan majeed that He is near us does it mean Allah is literally right by us or is watching us from His arsh. 

Imagining Allah Ta'ala

Q: I know that Allah is noor/made of noor but it is not like the ordinary light. So I used to imagine a bright light that maybe we will see Allah like this. It was a 'what if' question. But then I forgot about it. I neither accepted nor rejected, is that kufr?

Moreover we studied at school that everything is created from the noor of Allah. Is that kufr too? Do I need to restate my shahadat? Because I probably thought that there is a possibility that he looks like this. Now I know that whatever we imagine him to be like, he is not like that. If these are not kufr, please tell in what circumstances would these assumptions turn into kufr.