Acquiring Deeni Knowledge

Studying Deen independently

Q: Is it permissible to seek knowledge about Deen on the internet and have it verified by a scholar of Deen via WhatsApp or email? I'm in contact with shia and salafi scholars, each one of them says the others Hadeeths are weak and not to be trusted. However I do my own research but I don't know amongst the two who is correct. I listen to many of Mufti Menk lectures and Dr Naik and I learn a lot from them alhudulillah but I still do my research on internet. Because I don't know the scholars around here are maybe misguided. Please advise me. 



1- Some of our own Deobandi ulama have one objection on the Darse Nizami system that Darse-Nizami focuses of Fiqh and comparitive Fiqh even when teaching the Hadith books, hence a Darse-Nizami graduate does not have much expertise in Hadith and Usool-e-Hadith and related Hadith sciences. What is the answer to such people?

2 - How can a Darse Nizami student ensure that he becomes an expert and master of Hadith sciences(such as Asma ur Rijaal etc) and Usool e Hadith?

3 - Who were some Hadith and Hadith sciences experts among Ulama-e-Deoband? Can you please mention a few names.

4- If anyone from among Ulama e Deoband  was particularly expert in the science of Asma ur Rijal please mention it.

5- Maulana Habib ur Rahman Azami (died 1992 ) was considered  a master of Hadith and its sciences , in addition to being an expert in Fiqh and a knowledgable Mufti as well. Is this correct?