Acquiring Deeni Knowledge

Self study

Q: My question is about names of Allah. While I was studying about names of Allah I found that many charts available in Internet contain unauthentic names of Allah so I tried to find out the authenticity of some of the names, but I couldn't find any reference for some of them. I heard that I can't deny any names of Allah and also I can't affirm new one. So in this situation how could I believe those names ? I can't deny them because I didn't give a reference as proof same as I can't affirm them because also I don't have any proof to say those names are authentic.

Learning and propagating Deen

Q: I am and Indian sister. I wanted to seek your ulama's advice in regarding my brother's education; that is in this era which line of education should we select becoming a great aalim or becoming an engineer or a doctor and doing the great effort of dawah and tableeg and seeking deeni ilm in free time from a scholar?