Disposing nails in the bin
Q: If one is cutting one's nails, what is the ruling on placing them in the bin and if one recites the Basmalah before cutting nails directly with a bin below, does this entail sin?
Q: If one is cutting one's nails, what is the ruling on placing them in the bin and if one recites the Basmalah before cutting nails directly with a bin below, does this entail sin?
Q: Where do I dispose of my hair and nails if I don't have anywhere to bury it or if I don't know of anyone to bury it for me. Where do I dispose of my hair and nails if I don't live near a dam or river?
Q: Is it permissible for a person to dispose of his hair (moustache hair, unwanted hair, etc.) in the toilet or dustbin?
Q: What is the general ruling for a Muslim regarding disposing off his/her nails and hairs.
Q: If a person shaves his moustache over the bathroom sink every morning, would this be OK even though the stubbles of hair will go down the drain? Or does he have to shave over a container to collect the stubbles of hair in order to bury them?
1. What should be done with the umbilical cord stump (clamp) after it gets detached from the baby?
2. What should be done to an extracted tooth?
3. How can the underarm hairs/ pubic hairs be disposed of? Can it be flushed through the toilet basin?
4. Can we despose of the nails through hand wash basin?
1. Must the hairs that collect on the comb/brush be buried?
2. Must the hairs that fall out when combining/brushing the hair be collected and buried?
3. Must the hair removed from the eyebrows, nose, mustache, chest, legs, etc. all be buried?
4. When having a shower/bath, hairs that fall off sometimes tangle up together around the drain. Must this be buried?
Q: Please tell me what Ii should do with my fallen hair which I have collected since 10 years. I am not throwing it out because I don't know where to throw it? If I throw it in the sea, won't it cause harm to the fish? Shall I bury it in a Muslim graveyard?
Q: I am asking about nails when cut. Can we throw it in a basket?
Q: If a person throws clipped nails into thick grass where the nails aren't visible, is this considered suitable and the same as burying them? Or should they be buried in a hole in the ground?