Pregnancy and Parenting

Helping a child overcome anger issues

Q: There is a seven year old girl in our family who has anger issues. When she is angry or upset about something she tends to scream and throw things and forgets whether she is talking to an adult, or other older family members or friends or whether she is in a public place. Its impossible to reason with her then. Also, she gets angry without any reason at times and switches very quickly from happy to angry and vice versa.

Please tell what should we do and what should we recite so that she calms down and becomes less angry and stubborn over time.

Parents explaining to their son about puberty and related issues

Q: My son is about to be 11 years old. My husband and I have started to observe the signs of puberty in him. My husband has decided to give him a talk about the respective topic including sex. The concern is my husband states that the mother of the child must be present whenever this talk is to take place so that if a child has any query regarding the topic concerning the role of a female, a mother is the best source to provide an answer with basic guidelines. In Islam, is the presence of mother a must with respect to above situation?

Upbringing of children

Q: The children of someone brought up with the teachings of religious duties upto reading the Holy Qur'an texts in Arabic and reading salaah only. Then they proceeded towards worldly education wholeheartedly. Now they are mature but don't perform ritual services punctually though parent advise them frequently.

Is it the false of parent ? What would be the condition of parent in the eye of Allah hereafter? Would the parent sanction punishment as if they didn't taught the children completely. What should they do now?

Treating one's children equally

Q: Please advise on the following:

A father has three children. A daughter and two sons. One son is married.

The father owns a business and both the sons work for the father, while the daughter helps out occasionally.

For the son that is married, the father gave them a house, pays for their water, lights, car payments, fuel, phone payments, etc. The father also pays for numerous holidays and gives them spending money for the holidays. The son is then given a large salary at the end of every month. The father in law is also required to pay for all the daughter in laws wants.

The other son and daughter both live with the parents still and thus the basic food and housing needs are taken care of. The unmarried children are given an allowance which they use for any extras such as clothing, car payments, holidays, hobby's, etc. This often leads to a lot of conflict in the family.

My question are as follows:

1. In a case like this, is the father being fair and just to his children?

2. Is there any difference in providing gifts, or support to the married son and unmarried son/daughter?

3. Is it compulsory for the daughter to work in the business to be given the same as the son while the parents are alive?

4. If the father spends on his wife (mother), is it compulsory for the daughter in law to receive the same?

5. Is it compulsory for the husband to provide the wife with an allowance? (not to be used for any households expenses or personal needs)

6. What obligations do the parents have towards the daughter in law with regards to financial support for needs and luxuries?

7. Is it the parents responsibility to buy and pay for the married son's house, car for the daughter in law, supporting the children on the grounds that he is working in the business and is entitled to it? (this excluding a monthly salary)