Pregnancy and Parenting

Islamic education for one's child

Q: A father said that he will admit their child in a madrasah, but the mother said that she will not admit their child in a madrasah. The mother respects Allah and Islam, she also wants the child to know about Islam and she wants to teach the child about Islam by an Islamic teacher. The father and mother then admitted their child in a school (not an Islamic school and not a madrasah) and appointed an Islamic teacher to teach their child how to pray salaah, read Quran, duas, Islamic characters, lifestyle, etc. so that child learns about islam. Is there any sin?

Educating children regarding "adult material"

Q: In some cultures, nowadays, parents tend to hide or cover a hadith or some Islamic knowledge from their children. They say that it’s something you’ll need to know when you grow up – as in when you get married. Should children – after puberty, at least – not have full knowledge about Islam before marriage? For example, there are ahaadith relating to zina. There’s knowledge about sexual intercourse, about pregnancy, about masturbation, etc. which most children do not know about; unless they’re very curious and tend to look up themselves, which causes further sins, i.e pornography.

Children would not know that masturbation is haraam unless it’s told to them. Masturbation is so common during youth, and children are not aware of the fact that it’s haraam, or if you did it, you have to do ghusl prior to praying. Should a woman/man tell their children about sexual intercourse right before the day of marriage, as this would cause fear in the heart of a young girl just before marriage? I heard a father telling their daughters about this hadith but only up till كَذَا وَكَذَا i.e. he left out the last 2 words, كُلُّ عَيْنٍ زَانِيَةٌ وَالْمَرْأَةُ إِذَا اسْتَعْطَرَتْ فَمَرَّتْ بِالْمَجْلِسِ فَهِيَ كَذَا وَكَذَا يَعْنِي زَانِيَةً Was this right of him to do so?

Also, women don’t allow their children to read full Islamic books, written by great people, like Bahishti Zewar written by Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi 'alaihi). They just let them read what they think is important for the “kids” to know, and leave out the “adult” chapters, even in the daily Ta’leem. Parents are oblivious of the fact that children are aware of everything they are aware of. Since nowadays, kids learn everything from their Biology textbooks and that, too, in detail—Isn’t it better that parents give them that knowledge by letting them read Islamic books, or by informing them of various sins i.e. as in what’s adultery, etc.?

Looking at frightening pictures during pregnancy

Q: I recently found out that I am pregnant alhamdulilah and read the following on a website:

“During pregnancy frightening pictures of deformed children or animals should not be seen. One should look at beautiful children, flowers and should smell beautiful fragrances.”

I am an occupational therapist and daily interact with those who have various physical and mental disabilities whom I try to help by providing therapy so that they are able to engage in everyday activities independently.

Should I therefore stop working and providing therapy while I am pregnant and will I it affect my baby?

Will parents be sinful for not giving their children a proper upbringing?

Q: Someone told me that if parents don’t do proper upbringing of children they will be held accountable for it, but everyone is accountable for himself, how do I reconcile between that?

Also if parents are sinful if they don’t teach about a sin to a child and he does it, someone told me that parents won’t be sinful if they don’t directly guide the child to that particular sin, but they will be held accountable for not guiding them. Is it correct?