Pregnancy and Parenting

Treating one's children unjustly

Q: I know a man in our neighbour who is married twice. He divorced his first wife and has a daughter from her who is living with him not with her mother. And from the second wife he has a daughter too. But he does clear injustice between his daughters in many ways.

On social media he always posts pictures of his daughter from his current wife and never mentions the elder daughter. I know that girl is hurt by the deeds of her own father. And instead of asking her father, people ask that girl why your father does not post pics or mention you, why does he not care about you? She is always bullied by the people. What do you say about that man and will the poor girl be rewarded in the Aakhirah due to her sabar? 

Concern for the upbringing of one's children

Q: My husband, three children and I live in a town where there are no proper mosques. I have been trying to convince him to move to a place where my children can regularly go to mosque and learn the Quraan. I have been trying for the past fifteen years but he refuses to move. I am very worried for my children as they are surrounded by non-muslim friends. My husband plans to take the children back home to visit every 2/3 years and says that they can pick up the culture from there. What does Islam say about this?

Making dua to be blessed with male children

Q: I am the eldest child of my family (a male), and have 4 younger sisters Alhamdulilah. I am also Alhamdulilah married and have 2 children (1 boy and 1 girl). However, when I was younger I always wanted to have brothers but never did.

Is it permissible to pray to Allah Ta'ala for Him to bless me with more son’s or only sons if I have future children inshaAllah? Before my daughter was born, I made a lot of dua to Allah Ta'ala to bless me with another son but I was still very happy Alhamdulilah to be blessed with a daughter. But I would really want my other children to be sons InshaAllah. Please advise what I should do?