Equality between Children

Equality towards Children

Q: Would a father be sinful for giving some of his children more money than others - for example financing the trip of one child to go abroad but not giving any money to the other child? Another situation might be the father giving one child thousands of pounds for their studies and giving nothing to the other child. Or does Shari'ah allow a father to give one of his children more money than others (whilst the father is still well and alive)?

Treating one's children equally

Q: I'm very sorry, but this is quite a long message. I was wondering if you could spend a moment reading this and make clear for me an issue that I have insha’Allah.  It has been troubling me for a long time and is causing me great distress.  I just feel I need to explain where I’m coming from with this and feel you would better be suited to give me an answer, based on a more detailed explanation. 

I believe I try to be a just person and feel people should be treated fairly, and I would like to know if I am doing right by my situation detailed below. 

I know this is quite long, but I would be very grateful if you could answer  me I just don't know where to go for this.

Treating one's children equally

Q: A person has one daughter and two sons. Throughout his lifetime he gave and did more financially for one of his sons and daughter (best of education, flat, car, medical bills etc) whilst doing very little for his other son. Although yes he has given it to them as gifts but from my point of view it does not seem fair to the child left out especially when you consider the child left out is very sickly (ps his medication is free) and how huge the financial difference is. No fund has been set up for the child left out. Could you please comment on this situation so as to ease my mind?

Treating one's children equally

Q: If a mother says to her daughter, "when you were sick I was not so worried about you. But when your brother was sick I was worried to death. See he is a male child and I feared, without him what would be my life then."

Should a mother say all these words to her daughter? Are daughters so useless, although Islam has reached and all of muslims know what our Sahab (peace be upon him) said about daughters. Please tell me what Allah says about that mothers, saying all these words. Does a mother have a right to say anything to children (female), even hurting them?