sister in-law

Problems with one's sister in law

Q: I am mother of 3 little kids and I am working very hard. My hubby is not working because he is addicted to drugs. He can’t even help me. I am staying with my in laws and one of brother in laws is in house. We living in a 5 bedroom house. My 3 sister in laws are married and they are all loaded. They come few times weekly and I don’t mine at all. But one of my sisters in law keeps telling me to move out and she keeps saying that I am not allowed to stay in the house where there is a ghair mahrum (which is my last my brother in law). I told her that I dont have anywhere to go. She keeps saying that I must buy a house on mortgage and move. She also tells this to my in laws and they remain quiet not saying anything to me or her. I told her that if, in Islam, it is not right to stay in the same house with a brother in law then how is it correct to take out a mortgage loan? Isn’t this dealing in interest? Then she didn’t say anything.

Then she came again and said to me that my kids are growing up and they are sharing a room which is not permissible (2 boys who are 13 and 8 and a little daughter who is 6). I told her that I don’t have anything and my hubby is not working either and not saving. I am working to feed the kids and pay their school fees and covering all the expenses. She started a fight but my in laws never say anything to her.

She always abuses me mentally and emotionaly but they dont ever say anything to her. My hubby doesnt even take my side because he is always drugged. She started calling me an animal and this and that. I stayed with my in laws for 14 years and never be a problem with them but my brother in law and sister in law always fight with me and abuse me but they always right and I am wrong. They all on one side and I am alone with my 3 little kids.

I moved out of the house with my kids and hubby never helped me with anything. She is brain washing all of them and I am going through a very hard time to live with 3 kids as a single mum. Is that right the way they are treating me. Now they all happy and I am really sad. Allah Ta'ala knows that we dont have everything and the kids are even missing their grandparents since I was working and they were looking after them. Make duaa for me and kids.

Brother in law touching sister in law

Q: My brother in law tries to touch me here and there. First I didnt notice it but one day he touched my parts unknowingly and telling me that I am reacting wrong. My husband is abroad and mother in law is handicapped. My husband is telling me to leave it to Allah and to speak to him normal as if nothing happened. I feel so bad and guilty from heart because this is about my izzat. My husband says that it was all my fault.

Jealous sisters in law

Q: I would please appreciate some advice on some issues I have been having with in laws. I am married for 6 years. Alhamdulillah my husband and I are happy. We have been blessed with 2 beautiful children. We live opposite my in laws. Allah has blessed us with a comfortable house perfect for us.

I have 2-sister in laws, one divorced with a child and one unmarried still living with my in laws. It seems ever since we moved in opposite, its been a big competition. From what I have in the house to the way I dress to everything I do. They feel the need to out do me and be better. I really did not let it bother me at first. It is not so much my mother in law and father In law but more so the 2 big daughters still living at home that seem to have a big influence on everyone and they try to turn everyone against me.

I noticed recently that my mother in law is begging me to despite me and I don't feel comfortable being around them. I was never able to work with my mother in law in the kitchen because of the 2 sisters still living there. They did not give me a chance and always worked against me and not with me. So I do everything in my home and my space. Almost as if they jealous of me. Which makes me sad. But I know Allah helps me get through. I don't talk to my husband about it as it just causes unnecessary problems.

I just wanted some advice or duas for me to be able to deal with this situation as it is stealing my peace of mind. Any other advice for me would be much appreciatted. What is the islamic view on this. The women is the queen of her home and everyday I just try the best I can. Also what is the duty of daughter in law in terms of Islam.

Stopping someone from committing zina

Q: Would I be wrong if I anonymously tip off my ex-employer to investigate a suspected relationship between a CEO and collegue at my old place of work? The reason I ask is to try and end a relationship that I suspect my sister in-law is having with a CEO at my previous workplace. He is a married man...his wife is still in SA, while he is working in Namibia. We are Muslim, what does Islam advise regarding suspicion of zina?

Husband cheating with sister-in-law

Q: If my husband and sister in law had a najaiz relationship when we were downstairs and he was sleeping. (Maybe) She came in the room and stayed for fifteen minutes when we were in England. What can I do so that she stays away from him and he doesn't look at her because she is making him with magic. What can I read that no one can came between us?