Smoking and Intoxicants

Drinking and selling alcohol


1. If you do good deeds like fasting, salah, etc. but at the same time you have a business which sells alcohol or where you work sells alcohol, would Allah accept your good deeds like fasting, salah, etc?

2. Also, is selling alcohol the same as drinking it?

3. I heard those who drink alcohol in the dunya (world) wouldn't drink wine in Jannah, does that apply to people who don't drink it but sell alcohol?

Drugs and Alcohol


1. Alcohol is haraam and prohibited in Islam due to the fact that after having it, a person loses his senses and can not remember what he is doing and also you can get addicted to alcohol. My question is that if someone uses alcohol only for socialising, if he has a  few sips will it be fine or not?

2. There are some drugs which only boost your energy but you remain in your senses, such as cocaine and some other drugs. How does Islam differentiate between them. You remain in your senses but its not alcohol. Red bull drink also boosts the energy. Please explain. 

Consuming alcohol

Q: I have been reading a few things regarding alcohol and the Islamic views on it for a lesson I care for. I have some questions about it.

1. If someone consumes alcohol and then leaves it and repents will Allah forgive him.

2. Is there any rule that is someone consumes alcohol he cannot perform namaaz and touch or recite quran for 40 days as alcohol stays in the body for 40 days.

3. What are some of the ways one can repent about the sin of consuming alcohol?

Smoking cigars

Q: Is it permissible to smoke cigar? I read that since cigar smoke is not inhaled into the lungs, it can not be harmful as compared to a cigarette Secondly, what is the stance of Taraweeh prayers in Islam? Is it farz or Nafil? Either way, Is it mandatory on Muslims to offer taraweeh prayers?

Smoking weed

Q: Some youth in my community that I have caught smoking weed argue with me that they have done research, and found that weed has similar effects to coffee, it gives an energetic feeling with euphoria, similar to the effects coffee and energy drinks have to lots of people and thus the ruling of the Quran and hadith on it being an intoxicant like alcohol does not apply. How do I convince them otherwise?

Smoking weed

Q: My question is, is smoking weed permiable in Islam? Does smoking weed break tahaarat? After smoking weed can we offer salaah the next day?