Smoking and Intoxicants

Using marijuana

Q: I would like to know what the ruling behind use of marijuana is. Someone in my family believes it is halal and does it for stress relief and
general pleasure. One of his friends continues to provide it to him and I do not have any control on how to stop this. Please help me.

Intoxicating drink

Q: I have a question regarding a traditional drink called (kava or yogona/yoqona) usually from the parts of the South Pacific like Fiji islands. The drink is made of a root plant mixed with water and drank socially. It can make you dizzy, numb, and it has intoxication as well. But it looks like a lot of Muslims from that region still drink it, even the ones that are punctual in their prayers and go in jamaat. What is the ruling on this drink? Again I'm not sure if you came across this question before? There is a community of brothers who drink this often and does not think it is forbidden and I have seen them drink a lot and sometimes they can't even walk after having quite a bit of the drink. Please looks into this and tell me so the brothers can know the truth regarding this drink.