
Getting involved in haraam during pregnancy

Q: I m worried for a friend of mine. She is pregnant. Last week I met her. I was looking at her new mobile suddenly I saw she save some porn movies on that mobile. I was shocked. When I asked her she said O I don't know and delete that. I came home she called me next day and said that yes she watched that but now she will not watch it again. I said ok but I want to ask that this act of watching such movies can effect her unborn child? If the child is born, what kind of person he/she will be? Guide me I am very worried for her.

What to do During Pregnancy

Q: Respected Ulama, trough the grace of Allah all mighty, my wife has found out that she is pregnant. We are most grateful to Allah, and at the same time we do not want to displease Allah by doing things the wrong way. My question firstly is: Is there any law about a time period were one should not tell others about the pregnancy? Secondly if you can please give some targheeb on what sunnah practices should be carried out during the pregnancy and at the time of birth and the first few weeks? May Allah reward you plenty fold and make your task an easy one.