Masturbation and Pornography


Q: I have scrupulosity religious ocd which gets me too much horrible Islamic related thoughts. So im not able to do anthng, not even rest. Now I got in trouble by masturbtion. I did once and now im not able to stop. My thoughts comes like if i didnt do again the sin im going aginst my religion. I knw its not true or i dont want to do bt im not getng my mind free nd im not able to do anithng salh pryer etc. im stuck with these and if i dont do the sin again upto some certain no or date like tht i may not getback to norml.wht i do.these thoughts are not ignored by me even i wnt or i still comes. What do I do?


Q: What is the ruling of masturbation in Islam for men and women? I have heard that it can cause weak memory and eyesight as well as other health problems.


Q: I am a teenager of 20 years old. I have been watching videos of nudity and masturbate at the same time on my handset. This has been happening for a quiet number of years now. It really bothered me and I always pray to Allah and repent to Him anytime I committed such. But still I will go back again and do the same thing even after repentance. Sheikh I don't know what to do now, I almost hate myself now. It has become a part of me. Please assist me with possible solution, Thank you.


Q: Whilst I was doing some work, I got aroused. I tried to ignore it but I was feeling overpowered. I held my private parts and squeezed my legs trying to kill the feelings but it made it worse. I was sitting and trying to ignore it but I ejaculated unintentionally. Am I sinful for this action?


Q: I have a question. If I had masturbated in my sleep and then it actually was happening in reality due to the sleep. I am in control of it, because I didn't intentionally want to do it? I always fear masturbation and always trying to avoid such an act.