Masturbation and Pornography


Q: I am 15 years old girl. Alhamdulliah I wear a hijab whenever I go out. My problem is that I masturbate, and I feel extremely guilty about it because I know it's wrong but I still can't stop myself. Whenever I go out even though i'm covered I still want the boys to look at me (I know it's very wrong). Whenever I stand in front of the mirror I think that I'm so pretty. I don't know I really want to get close to Allah but I fail every time. I don't feel like praying, I am always tired. I don't know if it's right to say but I hate myself, I hate the fact that I'm alive. I am nothing but a shame. I really want to get close to Allah. I am so scared every time that what if I die suddenly, Allah is never going to forgive me. I don't even know how to explain all my feelings to you. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say because it's impossible to express my feelings.


Q: I am a 15 year old Muslim boy. My question is that is masturbation also not allowed for teenagers who are not married. With all due respect I do not go against Quran and Hadith but this topic isn't mentioned in it specifically. I mean if masturbation stops us from zina and watching porn before marriage shouldn't it be allowed for the unmarried?


Q: The act of masturbation is defined as rubbing ones private parts to reach climax and this is not allowed in Islam. Now my question is, is it wrong if a person without touching his privates reaches climax, for example, bouncing on ones bed facing towards the roof with the intention of climaxing yet not touching the genitals. Would this be termed as 'masturbation' and is it wrong Islamically?

Watching pornography and masturbating

Q: I have a question about masturbation, and zina. I know both is haram, but what if a brother or a sister masturbates to pornography, and what if a brother or a sister talks to a female or a male on the phone, and masturbates, or watches a webcam and masturbates. I was wondering, is this considered zina? Or is this still masturbation (which is still haram)?