Masturbation and Pornography

Cure for masturbation

Q: I started pleasuring myself since I was 12. I didn't know what it was up until I was 13/14. It eventually turned into an addiction so bad that sometimes I did it in school. I tried really hard to get rid of this sinful habit by asking for Allah's help but eventually would slip into the sin. This sinful habit ruined my life, and I don't want it to ruin my life anymore. Also I've missed many prayers due to this sinful addiction. Am I supposed to make up those many prayers I missed? If yes, how should I do it.  Please give me advice on how to stop this addiction and please make du'a for me and for all brothers and sisters with issues whether it is the same issue as mine or not.

Fantasizing and Masturbating

Q: I wanted to ask you that, once 3-4 years before, I met a kid at my uncle's place and there I felt horny after seeing him, and I touched on him on his tummy and at the back (not on his posterior) in a horny niyat, I never did anything with my penis, but I went to the washroom and masturbated by imagining him. Alhamdulillah I am straight but I don't know why that happened? Have I have commited a major homosexuality zina with hadd punishment of death or not? Because I never penetrated or had sex with him, and now I have realised it, because at that time I never knew this is also a part of a haraam activity. Can I ask Allah for forgiveness? Please help me.

Addicted to porn

Q: I am a married man with kids. However, I have been addicted to porn and cyber sex. My wife doesn't know, but i feel I cheat her and also commit a grave sin. I have tried to stop and repent many times but after a break of a month or so I start again. I feel hopeless and fear marriage break up and later on hell in my after life. Knowing I have made gunah-e-kabeera and that I have back tracked after repenting, is there hope for me? What should I do to cleanse myself and be hopeful of paradise?