Leaving the Home

Women attending Islamic talks at the Masjid


1. Is it permissible for women to attend Islamic talks at the local Masjid at night with their Mahrams where there are separate entrances and segregation, but at the time of departure, due to the large numbers there would be an inevitable intermingling of the sexes in the Masjid car park?

2. What would the ruling be in the same situation, but where the lady comes to the Masjid at night without her Mahram and not in niqaab?

3. If the speaker, who is an Alim, knows or should have reasonable cause to believe that women will be travelling to the Masjid on their own at night, without niqab, should he still give a talk or refuse to do so?

4. Would the scholar be complicit in sin if he were to give a talk in such a situation knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that ladies were attending a night talk without their Mahrams and not observing the rules of Hijab?

Women driving

Q: I need advice. My father in-law has arranged for my wife and his other 2 daughters to go for there drivers licence, Masha Allah. Should he have asked for my permission to proceed with this arrangement, or he has the right to do this without my consent, and further more he arranged that my wife must come to his home in order to go for her lessons, and the mum will fetch her from my place and bring her back. I'm I wrong in questioning my wife, as to why she can't be picked up from my place instead, as I would like to know with who she's going.

Women Driving

Q: Is it permissible for a woman to drive a car? If yes please provide proof!!! I must make mention that on all your previous answers to me no proof was supplied from Qur’an or Hadith or from the Kitaabs of our Pious Ulema of the past or from the Kitaabs of the Imaams and this I find highly disturbing!!!

Spirit of the Sunnah

Q: Mufti Saheb, I teach in a maktab with my husband for the last 23 years. I am asked to attened regular meatings with the other two Aapas sitting behind the purdah. In the class are all the male Ulema also. They cannot see us only hear what we have to say. Is it permissible for me to attened? I am happy for my husband to inform me as to what is said and what has to be done. One of the Aalim's does not have a problem with his wife attending. My husband says the jamaat members insist and force me to attend so I must attend and just sit quitly and not say a word. I should not look at the jamaat members but look at the children we teach. If we are forced to leave the jamaat members won't loose but the children will loose out. What should I do according to shariat?