Celebrations and Customs

Birthday parties

Q: Is birthday parties haraam? If a person sends to me a piece of her birthday cake, will it be haraam for me to eat? To send ones children to
birthday parties will it be also haraam? Please explain this issue well and if it is haraam why?

Seasonal greetings


  1. Is it permissible to send seasonal greeting cards to non-Muslims at the time of Christmas so long as there are no religious symbols on them and without the intention of celebrating or supporting Christmas?
  2. Can the following from al-ashbaah be used as a justification for sending seasonal greeting cards at Christmas time?

In al-ashbaah it states that if a person says regarding a non Muslim: "May Allah let his kingdom last for a long time" and his intention is that he may be given hidayat in future, or that the Muslims could benefit through his contributions of jizyah etc, then this is permitted. 

Celebrating New Years


  1. Is it permissible to say have a happy new year when Islamic new year starts (month of  Muharram starts)?
  2. Is it permissible to say have a happy new year when the Gregorian calendar new year starts (month of January starts)?
  3. If its not permissible to say have a happy new year then what is the reason?
  4. What did Prophet Peace be upon him and the Sahabah do or say to each other when the new year commenced?