Celebrations and Customs

Christian Festivals


  1. What date was Prophet Isa(Jesus) peace be upon him born?
  2. What date was Prophet Isa(Jesus) peace be upon him born raised in the sky?
  3. Was Isa (Jesus) peace be upon him born on 25th December?
  4. What detailed advice should we give our children regarding Christmas?

Attending Kuffaar festivals

Q: My family are not Christian, they belong to a kuffaar sect who act like Muslims (alevi), however this year they have decided to have a family Christmas celebration on 25/12. They will exchange presents in a kris kringle (secret santa gift exchange where everyone anonymously buys one person a gift) and will share a family meal with traditional Christmas foods.

  1. Can I attend this gathering?
  2. I'm pretty sure I can't partake in the gift exchange, is this correct?
  3. Please advise on Surahs/duas for me to say to help my family become Muslim.

Birthday cakes

Q: Is it okay to eat cakes on ones birthday? We do not take pictures or play music on birthdays. We go out to eat and cut cakes when we come home. Is this okay?