Places of Vice

Not attending a mixed gathering wedding

Q: Is my view point good or extremists? I never ask about what the bride to be will wear on her wedding day as here she wears fancy clothes infront of na mharam people, which I totally disagree with. I haven't asked my own sister due to same reasons and she says that I am an extremists. I am also not attending her wedding as there will be mix gathering and music, am I right on my stance?

Going to beaches and public pools

Q: I wanted to ask if it is haraam or permissible for Muslims to go to public beaches with family and kids where there are uncovered men and women swimming. I live in Canada and my family members frequently go to lakes and beaches etc in summers and they say that as long as you can can guard your own eyes and not be tempted towards sins then there are no issues. If you have any issues then you should go to some Islamic country as here the kids see these things everywhere and you will have to control them then they will not go towards it more. Whenever I try to convince someone against it, all of them justify that other Muslim families also go there and where else should we go to in the hot summer. Can you kindly guide me about the clear Islamic rulings about this matter so I have a solid reason to believe and guide others around me.

Attending Ghadats

Q: If family members are having a ghedat/family get together the ghedat will start at 11 and they will finish off at 12:30 So then lunch will be at 12:30 will it be permissible to attend the lunch only?

Going to a football stadium

Q: According to the below would it be permissible to go to a football stadium where there is music taking place?

(دعي إلى وليمة وثمة لعب أو غناء قعد وأكل) لو المنكر في المنزل ، فلو على المائدة لا ينبغي أن يقعد بل يخرج معرضا لقوله تعالى : - { فلا تقعد بعد الذكرى مع القوم الظالمين } در المختار

( قوله لا ينبغي أن يقعد ) أي يجب عليه قال في الاختيار لأن استماع اللهو حرام والإجابة سنة والامتناع عن الحرام أولى ا هـ رد المحتار

ذهب الفقهاء إلى أنّ الاستماع إلى المعازف المحرّمة حرام , والجلوس في مجلسها حرام , قال مالك : أرى أن يقوم الرّجل من المجلس الّذي يضرب فيه الكبر والمزمار أو غير ذلك من اللّهو , وقال أصبغ : دعا رجل عبد اللّه بن مسعودٍ رضي اللّه تعالى عنه إلى وليمةٍ , فلمّا جاء سمع لهواً فلم يدخل فقال : ما لك ؟ فقال : سمعت رسول اللّه صلّى اللّه عليه وسلّم يقول : « من كثر سواد قومٍ فهو منهم ومن رضي عمل قومٍ كان شريكاً لمن عمله » . الموسوعة الفقهية الكويتية