Places of Vice

Attending stage plays at school

Q: It is part of the school system in South Africa that students go for stage plays. Is it permissible for Muslim students to go for such events? Our school is a Muslim school yet the students go for these stage plays. I did not go for the play as I was told by an Aalim that it is not permissible. I would like you to write a very detailed reply why is is impermissible so I can present it to the head of our school.

Going to beauty salons

Q: Please can you tell me if this is permissible. My wife never exposes her hair outside the home. Is it permissible for me to send her to a hair salon to beautify her hair for me? It will not be cut or coloured, only styled. And the salon will be one where there are no men.

Safeguarding oneself from sin

Q: I have to take a bus to another city and there are two different bus companies. One company is cheaper but has a TV with music playing on the bus, and the other company is more expensive but without any music. In this case, will it be sinful of me to choose the cheaper bus, the one with music playing? Or would I be excused due to the difficulty of avoiding music in public places/transport?