Sea Creatures



1. Is calamari makrooh or haraam in the Hanafi madhab?

2. If food has been touched or contaminated by calamari, will that make the food makrooh or haraam?

3. Also, if one has to eat calamari will he be sinful?

Eating oysters, shrimp, lobsters, etc.

Q: I’m a follower of the Hanafi mazhab and I’d like to know if it’s permissible for me to taste foods such as oyster, shrimp, lobsters, etc. Although it’s not allowed according to Imam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) but according to Imam Shaafi’ee (rahimahullah) and Imam Maalik (rahimahullah) it would be fine to eat such foods. Since they are all correct mazaahib and its only a matter regarding food shouldn’t it be jaaiz for me to eat them, if not could I not atleast eat/taste them once.


Q: Are prawns halaal? Some say that it is halaal because it is a sea creature but others consider it haraam.