Gheebat and Mocking

Laughing at someone


1. If someone is short or black, will laughing at them be kufr because Allah made them like that? It will be as if a person is indirectly laughing at Allah's decision.

2. I heard in a hadith that Moosa (alaihis salaam) was dark in complexion (black or something). Will it mean that making fun of someone who's black because he is black like indirectly laughing at Moosa (alaihis salaam) too.

Father cursing his son

Q: If a father says to his son "if it's true that you committed what I suspect you, May Allah curse you" and surely the son committed what his father suspected him (Though the father has confidence his son will never do that due to his (son's) good character). Now:

1. What is the ruling on that curse?

2. Is the son still a Muslim?

3. Can the son, despite being cursed pave his way to paradise?

4. If surely Allah cursed a person, he distanced him from his mercy, how could that son draw nearer to Allah's mercy.

5. The father is quite happy with the son as I write this, because he obeys whatever he asks him to do, not knowing the son is cursed by him. What is your advice to the son?


Q: If someone is mentioning something bad about a person who he knows but is unknown to me, is it backbiting? Will we both be sinful?​

Abusing and cursing people

Q: How would have our Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) reacted to those people who would hurt his parents if they were alive. Hurting to the extent destroying their social life, giving physical pain, etc. Can we pray for there destruction who have troubled our parents so much. Except dua we have nothing