
Meaning of jealousy

Q: Is jealousy and envy the same sin... If jealousy is felt without the intention of harm, will it be considered as a sin because sometimes I feel jealous for loved ones who get attached to any other person and don't give time to me... Is this the same as envy or is it normal because I have no intention of harm?

Viewing someones files on a computer without the owners permission

Q: I would like to know if this is correct.

There is a person who lent me his computer. I connected to my internet account from his computer and by closing the session I forgot to disconnect my account from his computer. Is it allowed for the owner of the computer to view my files which are stored on Google Drive? Does this person have the right to go to consult my Google Drive account without my knowledge and without having my permission or authorization?

Chatting after Esha salaah

Q: What are the rulings of Shariah on social activities and chatting after Esha prayer. Nowadays, we see people start visiting relatives after Esha or just sit at home and chat with the family as according to them this is the only free time they have?

How about the same with one’s spouse? Is there any clear guideline on it in oue beloved Shariah and what is the sunnah?