Controlling one's Anger

Feelings of hatred for one's brother

Q: My father ordered me to respect my older brother but if my older brother insults me or yells at me, can I insult him with the same insult and use the same tone of voice. I don't respond to his abuse due to my dad's order which may make my older brother think I fear him furthering the abuse and my hatred toward him.

I feel like if I don't respond to him and the steam keeps building up in my heart and we fight one day (may Allah protect us both), one of us may end up in jail. If I could just throw some of his abuse back in his face maybe all of this corrosive hatred that I have toward him may go away. But right now I can't sit next to him due to all the hatred I have for him.

As weird as it sounds, me being able to respond to him may actually help ties of kinship because with my sister with which I fight verbally when there's a heated disagreement I feel like I couldn't feel this hatred for her in a sustained manner but with my brother I feel hate toward him just by thinking about him.

Controlling one's anger

Q: My 18 year old son at times drives me crazy. He always argues and debates. I would like to do my islaah as far as anger is concerned. I have listened and read all the advises and bayaans of the Ulama as far as anger is concerned. But when I am in the situation I forget everything because I am too busy fighting and arguing with him to remember anything. After I have said alot of bad things to him, I regret and feel bad as to how badly I have behaved towards him. How can I reform myself. 

Controlling one's anger

Q: I really need to finish my anger issue. I get angry really easily and I'm always physical when angry (meaning I slap or shout at the person Im angry at). I have tried drinking water, doing ablution saying Aauthubillah mina shaitaan irrajeem but nothing really helped. Please help me how can I deal with this anger. Is there any dua or something?

Controlling one's anger

Q: I am getting angry and cannot control it. I do not stop to reason and calm down but I just blurt out whatever I want to say without thinking to my husband, and when he leaves the house I get back to my senses and think what is wrong with me. I have very bad scary dreams and I am very restless at night when sleeping. Secondly I want to know if rukya is permissible and can it be done by a female? My third question. I am in a 2nd marriage and I have kids from my first marriage. How do I divide my property, car, pension fund and money in the bank? I have one son and 2 daughters.

Becoming angry

Q: Nowadays I am confronting a huge problem. The problem is that I become angry at very small mistakes of others. I can't tolerate anybody elses joke. Sometimes this anger fades away quickly, but sometimes it becomes prolonged. I don't know what to do about it. I am an engineering student, 21 years old. Please grant me a solution to this problem.

Cursing people

Q: I have a question I am confused about. When I am in some situations some people are bad and wrong from there side according to Islam also. In such a kind of situation we take action against them and we are pure and right from our side same as according to Islamic rule and we raise our voice and the person who is wrong they ignore our mistakes and such person gives curse and some bad words to the that loyal person, so my confusion is here that the curse given by that bad person will really come true in the future. We always see that some people give curse in jealousy or in other cases but the innocent person has to suffer from all this. Why doesn't that curse get back to such people when actually they are wrong? Why all time the innocent people have to face and get scared from curse all the time. In such a case what should I do?