three talaaqs

Teen talaaq

Q: Meray shoher nay mujhay teen talaqeen di hain do mard hazraat aur teen khawateen ki mojeedgi main likh kay bhi aur zubani bhi magar abh who pachta rahay hain kehtay hain kay main unkay pass wapas chali jaun kiya koi sharai rasta nikalta hai mujhay khuda kay wastay theak guide kear dain.

Talaaq in the state of anger

Q: During a fierce argument with my wife, in the condition of extreme anger, I told her that I give you talaaq for one time. Later after about two months, again during extreme anger and in a hot argument I pronounced the word talaaq again two times. During both events, it was only me a my wife and no witness was there. Please advise if talaaq has happened.