
Why didn't Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) go into the details of sihr?

Q: I know that learning sihr is not allowed in Islam but what is the ruling on learning about sihr? There is a ruqya course on YouTube whose ustadh has an ijaza in the 6 books of hadiths and is an experienced raaqi but he goes into a lot of details on the kufrs the magician commits, how sihr is performed, and tells the meanings of the numbers in taweez and how the magicians use numbers to calculate the taweez. He has also read actual magic books (e.g. Shams al ma'arif, etc. for "informational" purposes maybe). We also come to know that the magicians say the name, "Baal" and blow on the knots. Even the footage of an actual magician is shown when he was being exposed. If this was allowed, why didn't the prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) go into so many details? And of course, he tells us how to destroy the taweez and perform ruqya. I find it very iman boosting as it shows that Islam is the truth but am I sinning by watching these videos?

Protection from black magic

Q: My mother suffered with asraat a few years back. Alhumdullilah she got cured back then with the help of Quran. That time the raqi did say that there was black magic done on my mother but he didn't say who did it. I have observed my phupo (dad's sisters) that she only visits our place on full moon days like purnam or something like that...

I don't know what it is but it makes me worried for my parents. We, as a family have seen hell this long. I don't want to think anything evil about my phupo but it just flashes in my mind... Please help me with any dua or anything that could make me get rid of this feeling.

Wazeefah to fulfill one's needs

Q: Could you please confirm if the below is valid and is there any authentic Hadith regarding this:

It is mentioned in the Hadith that the solution to all problems lie in Surah Faatiha. How to read it:

In between the sunnah and fard of Fajr Salaah, recite

Durood Ebrahim 11 times
Surah Faatiha 41 times
Durood Ebrahim 11 times

Each time you recite Surah Faatiha, you will join bismillah's last Meem with Surah Faatiha's Laam like this,

Bismillah hir rahman nir rahee mil hamdo lilahi rabbil aalimeen.

Here I have joined the the end of “bismillah with the alhamdolillah. So it becomes MIL. Then you will repeat "ar rahman nir raheem"… 3 times (each time you recite Surah Fatiha) and aameen 3 times. (Each time you recite surah fatiha)

For every problem, every hajat it works like fire. Whatever you want will happen with 7 days or longer. There is no way that your hajat will not happen. It's guaranteed. Please continue it until your hajat is given.

Is all this authentic?

Studying ruqyah

Q: After completing my Alimah studies in’sha’Allah, I really want to become a Ruqya therapist. I have been afflicted with sihr myself, but Alhamdulillah with the grace of Allah Ta'ala, I got cured by a trusted raqi.

I really want to become a raqi. I feel that there’s not enough female raqis and I’ve been interested in becoming a raqi ever since I visited a Ruqya clinic, and carefully watched the raqi perform Ruqya. I thought to myself it’s such a rewarding job, and you get to help so many Muslims who are suffering. I also feel there’s lots of muslimahs who need help and cure and if there’s a female raqi it’ll be so much easier for them in terms of not feeling uncomfortable going to see a male.

If you could let me know what I need to do in order to become a raqi? Do I do a online course or study Ruqya course at an institute?



1. Can you please explain ruqyah.

2. If a person reads Quraan and seeks protection from evil, is that ruqyah?

3. Please explain this hadith from Saheeh Bukhari #6472 concerning 70,000 people.

Reading manzil on a plant

Q: I personally read manzil and other relevant aayats of Quran and blow it on isbanb (or some call it aspand/efsand/peganum hermala/syrian rue/African rue, etc.) and then it is roasted on fire and smoke comes out of it. It is a common practice done at my place in Kashmir for the treatment of jinn, sihr, etc. Is it permissible?

Ruqyah treatment

Q: There is a facebook page where there are raqi's who suggests people ruqyah. In my case they suggested ruqyah for evil eye. The process is to listen to two audios, aayatul harq and evil eye ruqyah. And take ruqyah ghusl (keeping my hands in the water and recite surahs and take bath with that water) I did it before but didn't do it perfectly so the raqi suggested me to do it again for 2 weeks. Whenever I do this I become depressed, my concentration goes, my hair starts falling so much etc. Many people experience this in the early stage of ruqyah and after completing it, the symptoms are gone.

My question is, is this a sunnah method. Should I do it?