
Reading and blowing on a person as a form of treatment

Q: I have a relative who has been told that she may be affected by Jinn. Recently she's been feeling unwell and having nightmares repeatedly having a dream seeing the same person. She has been married for 5 years without any children. She has also noticed her skin has become acne prone and scarred. Although all this could be just a bad phase in her life, she has been told by someone that it's the the effects of a jinn.

The person has asked her to bring a piece of clothing she has worn for a few days so he can blow ayats from the Quran on to it to see the effect that has on the clothing. She is a practicing Muslim and does not want to do anything that compromises her religion or anything that involves shirk and displeasing Allah Ta'ala. Please shed some light on this practice. 

Ruqyah treatment

Q: How often should one do ruqyah if one is suffering from ocd (more accurately waswas al-qahri)? If one is in the process of ruqyah and accidently utters an english word, is the ruqya nullified? How about an arabic word? Also, is it permissible to do one ruqya session for multiple illnesses (for same person)? Will this take away from the effectiveness?

Reciting three quls and Ayatul Kursi before sleeping

Q: My sister is 5 years old and she is a normal girl. At night when she sleeps she wakes up at 2 am and starts crying and she is repeatedly saying Allahu Akbar bismillahir rahmanir rahim and after 10 to 15 minutes she gets normal again and goes back to sleep being exhausted and once she gets up she dont remember what all happend. This is happening with her from past one month.

Going to an Aamil

Q: I wasn't feeling well, so I had an aamil check me on the phone. My friend told me about him. He is a hafiz and on Deen. So he has a lot reference people go to him. Alhumdulillah with the hukm of Allah people get cured. So he lives overseas. So if I call him on the cell and speak to him, he tell's you what is happening. Mow my yakin is on Allah only. So i was having bad foot pain and cramps so I called him and he told me put out your hand and close your hands and then he checks from there. He tells you what you have like a blood circulation problem and what medicine you have to take. Now he came to my country as well and he checked me. I had jinns, so he removed it by placing them in bottle. Now when I call him on the phone, he tells me you have to take this medicine and so on. I am worried is it shirk. I know only Allah knows everything only Allah is the curer. We used the means of the world but only Allah can give shifa. So by asking him from my country and he tells you put you hand out and then he ask if it heavy and he ask if you have pain here and there and then he tells you what illness you have, is listening to him shirk? I am worried about my Imaan. I want to die on Imaan.

Charging for ruqya

Q: I need help as I have been affected by sihr. Alhamdulillah Allah has helped me through some very difficult times in my life. I heard about ruqya and when I searched and found a group of people in SA who does this but they charge money. Is this genuine and are you allowed to charge money? I am very weary of most people as I believe that they use Jinn to trick people into believing their "healing" powers and it is also detrimental to ones Imaan.